Welcome to Inspiring Handmade!

Welcome to Inspiring Handmade! Our mission is to create art & craft that speaks to your soul. More than “art for art’s sake,” Inspiring Handmade is art for your sake—a celebration of original art and craft, writing, and other creations that invite you to pause and reflect on what’s most important, most true, most wonderful in your life!

Drop us your email address in the quick form below and you won’t miss anything from the studios! And it’s super simple to unsubscribe any time.

So why start Inspiring Handmade?

Because life is busy. We all have a million things on our minds and it’s often hard to think about what’s really important. We’re inspired ourselves by Philippians 4:8: ” … whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Inspiring Handmade is artists who share a vision. At its heart, it’s a celebration of original art and craft, writing, and other creations that invite you to retreat to your own Philippians 4:8 moment. We want to create work on which we can feast our eyes and feed our souls.

If this sounds like something you could use in your own life, please join us!
Your email address in the quick form below is all it takes to make sure you don’t miss out on the latest work, writing, and other encouragement from the Inspiring Handmade studios.
And while you’re here, check out the blog and the Inspiring Handmade shop, featuring the works of Patti Jones and Stephen Rountree. New pieces are always in the works!