Image of Celebrate Life, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood by Patti Jones.
Adversity Art Faith Inspiration Life Where we come from

First piece in a new series celebrates life

Take Time to Stop & Smell the Roses: Appreciating the little things I am a breast cancer survivor. As I work on this Wire People collection, “Childhood Memories,” I am reminded that as terrible as breast cancer is, it can never take away your precious memories. This collection is dedicated to my mom and grandmother. My grandmother was […]

In Christ sculpture in progress
Art Mind Scripture Thinking

A New Year

Picture God at your birthday party singing louder than any of your friends or family. Is that hard to imagine? Welcome to the new year. ‘Tis the season of resolutions. Someone once said, “A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.” I’m not a fan of making resolutions, […]

Peace Like a River sculpture in the Salvaged Messengers series.
Art Mind Peace Philippians Rest Romans Thinking

The Secret to Peace From Philippians 4:8

Next time you’re feeling tired, mentally fatigued or overwhelmed, just tell folks you’re hitting a little Fliegerabwehrkanonen. Ah, those wonderfully long German words. Fliegerabwehrkanonen is the word from which we get “flak”— exploding shells fired from anti-aircraft guns. No pilot wants to fly through flak, but we fly through mental flak almost every day. Explosions—not […]