Quiet Solitude


Patti Jones’ Quiet Solitude sculpture, in wire and cut paper on driftwood, captures a precious moment of childhood when she could get lost in a book without a care in the world. Today, you might struggle to find those quiet moments for reading hidden among a hectic schedule. Capture them again with this one-of-a-kind work—for yourself or that special person in your life. Quiet Solitude can be an artful reminder not only of days gone by, but of the brevity of life itself and the gravity of the choices we make about what we choose to read and meditate on, and how we spend our limited time. The Quiet Solitude sculpture measures 5″ tall, 5” long and 2.5″ wide. Signed and securely shipped directly from Patti’s studio. Shipping is $9.25 in the continental U.S. Shipping elsewhere may incur additional costs.

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Dimensions 5 × 2.5 × 5 in