Art Behind the Scenes Creativity Faith Inspiration Lessons from nature Life Sculpture Where we come from

Art that connects with The Creator

Kristi Nash Harrison says she’s an attention deficit artist. “I jump from one thing to the next,” she told me when I caught up with her this week as she was preparing for what’s become known as “the most anticipated little craft show in Mechanicsville.” That would be The Three Whine Oh’s and Friends Holiday […]

Image of Celebrate Life, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood by Patti Jones.
Adversity Art Faith Inspiration Life Where we come from

First piece in a new series celebrates life

Take Time to Stop & Smell the Roses: Appreciating the little things I am a breast cancer survivor. As I work on this Wire People collection, “Childhood Memories,” I am reminded that as terrible as breast cancer is, it can never take away your precious memories. This collection is dedicated to my mom and grandmother. My grandmother was […]