Image of Dandelions for Mom, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood.
Family Joy Life Sculpture Uncategorized

Dandelions for Mom

Our moms have sacrificed for us, believed in us, and loved us unconditionally. When we were little, we tried to return that love as best we could with small hands offering small gifts from big hearts full from a mother’s love. That’s the inspiration for Patti’s sculpture, “Dandelions for Mom.” Patti says, “I wish I […]

Wooden sculpture of Jonah in the whale
Adversity Art Faith Inspiration Sculpture

Wires & wood

What are Salvaged Messengers? Salvaged Messengers is the name of a series of sculptures created from found and reclaimed wood — wood that was destined for the the trash heap or the fire. That’s the “salvaged” part. Each sculpture is imprinted with a message from Scripture or an encouraging or challenging thought inspired by God’s […]