Faith Life Philippians Prayer

Knee power

Corrie ten Boom asked, “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” It’s a fair question. Psalm 145:18 says, “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” With a promise like that, we can be encouraged to pray more than just over our meals. […]

Image of Quiet Solitude, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood.
Art Mind Philippians Thinking

The power of a good book

“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” Oscar Wilde The quote above from Oscar Wilde, who was not known for weighty, serious comments, is worth taking seriously. Summer is now in full swing and while it’s become known as the season […]

Peace Like a River sculpture in the Salvaged Messengers series.
Art Mind Peace Philippians Rest Romans Thinking

The Secret to Peace From Philippians 4:8

Next time you’re feeling tired, mentally fatigued or overwhelmed, just tell folks you’re hitting a little Fliegerabwehrkanonen. Ah, those wonderfully long German words. Fliegerabwehrkanonen is the word from which we get “flak”— exploding shells fired from anti-aircraft guns. No pilot wants to fly through flak, but we fly through mental flak almost every day. Explosions—not […]