Image of Girl with Balloons, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood.
Faith Family Inspiration Joy Life Peace

Fall & fairs

The State Fair of Virginia is underway as I write this. The Fair, maybe as much as anything, is a metaphor for life. Along its avenues and amongst its attractions you can find emotions from across the spectrum. Joy. What child hasn’t thrilled to win a prize at one of the carnival games? Patti Jones’ […]

Image of Dandelions for Mom, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood.
Family Joy Life Sculpture Uncategorized

Dandelions for Mom

Our moms have sacrificed for us, believed in us, and loved us unconditionally. When we were little, we tried to return that love as best we could with small hands offering small gifts from big hearts full from a mother’s love. That’s the inspiration for Patti’s sculpture, “Dandelions for Mom.” Patti says, “I wish I […]