Art Gratitude

Authentic Thanksgiving

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” —A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh A few thousand years before Milne wrote this observation about Pooh’s dearest friend, Psalm 50 records The Lord’s declaration to the whole earth on the nature of acceptable worship. […]

Peace Like a River sculpture in the Salvaged Messengers series.
Art Mind Peace Philippians Rest Romans Thinking

The Secret to Peace From Philippians 4:8

Next time you’re feeling tired, mentally fatigued or overwhelmed, just tell folks you’re hitting a little Fliegerabwehrkanonen. Ah, those wonderfully long German words. Fliegerabwehrkanonen is the word from which we get “flak”— exploding shells fired from anti-aircraft guns. No pilot wants to fly through flak, but we fly through mental flak almost every day. Explosions—not […]


A salvaged salvage trip: part 5

God leads us home That night I was praying that God would lead us to a tire store that could help us. I looked up Merchant’s Tire and Auto and was relieved to see they opened at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. They were across town. Would the tires we had manage to hold up under […]


A salvaged salvage trip: part 4

“I’d buy a flashlight…” Walmart. It was ten minutes to eight. The auto center closed at eight. Could they help us? The manager looked at the truck and examined the tires closely. If he could get the ticket in the system before eight o’clock, they would do it. Timothy was a young man working the register […]


A salvaged salvage trip: part 3

Please get us off the highway, Lord! I could see on my phone that we were a little more than a mile south of the Glasgow exit, so we prayed that God would get us safely off the interstate and I proceeded to drive very slowly, emergency flashers on, toward the exit. We finally made […]


A salvaged salvage trip: part 1

The trip begins On Friday, July 10, 2015, I set out from Hanover County late in the afternoon for Pearisburg, my mother’s hometown in Southwest Virginia. Along for the ride was my oldest daughter, Hannah, 11. My cousin, Eric, had told me that he was tearing out part of his family farm’s old 1905 barn. […]

Wooden sculpture of Jonah in the whale
Adversity Art Faith Inspiration Sculpture

Wires & wood

What are Salvaged Messengers? Salvaged Messengers is the name of a series of sculptures created from found and reclaimed wood — wood that was destined for the the trash heap or the fire. That’s the “salvaged” part. Each sculpture is imprinted with a message from Scripture or an encouraging or challenging thought inspired by God’s […]