salvaged wood sculpture with the word "Grace" and a Bible verse imprinted on it
Grace Gratitude

A little bit of grace

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it’s the small things that can be the most powerful reminders of God’s grace? A small child reaching for your hand, a brilliant sunset igniting the evening sky, a simple meal on a clean plate when you’re reminded of the many millions who don’t enjoy that. A humble piece […]

Salvaged barn wood, wire, textile, acrylic paint and hand-stamped sculpture of a butterfly and a chrysalis on a twig.

Time Enough

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. — Rabindranath Tagore, Indian writer (1861-1941) Several years ago, when our girls were younger, we put a caterpillar in one of those mesh net terrariums. The girls decided it was a she-pillar and named her Cookie. We fed her with milkweed and watched as […]

Image of Dandelions for Mom, a sculpture in wire and cut paper on driftwood.
Family Joy Life Sculpture Uncategorized

Dandelions for Mom

Our moms have sacrificed for us, believed in us, and loved us unconditionally. When we were little, we tried to return that love as best we could with small hands offering small gifts from big hearts full from a mother’s love. That’s the inspiration for Patti’s sculpture, “Dandelions for Mom.” Patti says, “I wish I […]

One of the "In Christ" sculptures set on an old oak log.
Art Creativity Faith Gospel Obedience

The extraordinary from the ordinary

Do you consider yourself creative? Do you find pleasure in making things? Maybe you spend free hours practicing a certain craft. Perhaps you paint, or draw, or design things. Or maybe you’re someone who says, “I’m not very creative,” because you don’t do any of those things. Creativity, however, is not only about making fine […]

Art Calling Gospel Joy Obedience

New life

Several of these smaller sculpture/signs are under way at the moment. I like these pieces because they’re a simple metaphor for the work God does in rescuing everyone who trusts in Christ to take the punishment for their sin. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross enables God’s forgiveness and mercy toward those who trust in Him […]

In Christ sculpture in progress
Art Mind Scripture Thinking

A New Year

Picture God at your birthday party singing louder than any of your friends or family. Is that hard to imagine? Welcome to the new year. ‘Tis the season of resolutions. Someone once said, “A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.” I’m not a fan of making resolutions, […]