Art Lessons from nature Life

Last Leaves

Magnificent palette The leaves may have mostly fallen and we’re well into winter, but Patti’s latest work, Last Leaves with it’s warm, comforting colors and gentle, quiet presence, ushers us into the days of autumn. Her wood burned and hand-painted gourd imagines the last oak leaves clinging to their stems. They’ve worked all spring and […]

Calling Creativity Glorifying Gospel Inspiration Joy Obedience Praise

Crying rocks

Our raison d’être Artists, crafters, writers, and appreciators of the arts know that nothing is created without some purpose. The purpose may seem insignificant, but it’s there, as a thing’s reason for existence. Our Presbyterian friends, among others, are familiar with the Westminster Shorter Catechism, a series of questions and answers that teach truths from […]

Gospel Love Sculpture

The season of love

If Bible chapters were months of the year, 1 Corinthians chapter 13 would be February. It’s often called the “love” chapter, and for good reason, as you see here. In the middle of the chapter is the apostle Paul’s elegant description of true love, where he writes the familiar words, “Love is patient and kind; […]

Adversity Art Faith Life

Fire in the jungle

This week, Patti is introducing a new piece in the Inspiring Handmade shop called Fire in the Jungle. It’s a work full of energy, conflict, passion, and respite—a little bit like life. The name of the piece reflects the tension inherent in its bold colors fighting for your attention. A fire in a jungle evokes […]

Creativity Faith Inspiration

A cold winter’s sky

One of my favorite things about winter is the clear night sky. While it’s more comfortable temperature-wise to skywatch in the summer, the winter sky seems clearer and sharper. Colder air is often less hazy, so it feels like I can see farther into the depths of space. And there are no bugs. The next […]

Life Obedience Scripture Sculpture

What’s your whale?

In the familiar account of Jonah in The Bible, we read that God assigned Jonah the unenviable task of traveling to Ninevah (modern-day Mosul in Iraq), to tell the Assyrians that they were about to be judged and obliterated by God unless they repented and turned from their wicked ways. Instead of obeying God and […]